Hope In Christ

There is Always Hope In Christ No Matter What!

There is Always Hope In Christ no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you’ve come to the end or maybe you walked with the Lord along time ago and wonder if you can come back.

There is always a new start or a fresh start. Even the Bible tells us a story about the prodical son who 

left his Father and went out into the world and squanders all he has but returns home. Click here to read about it. KJV  Luke 15:11–32.   

So, no matter where you’ve been or how you lived Jesus will forgive you for everything and you can start out brand new. 

Romans 10: 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Be sure to watch the video below and you will find a new beginning or a brand new start.

Pastor: Danny Courtney .

5410 Thomason Ave
Columbus, Ga. 31904